Don't Trust Your Roommate

In The 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage), June 2012.

Vassilios Lekakis, Yunus Basagalar, and Pete Keleher

A "home" sharing environment consists of the data sharing relationships between family members, friends, and acquaintances. We argue that this environment, far from being simple, has sharing and trust relationships as complex as any general-purpose network. Such environments need strong access control and privacy guarantees. We show that avoiding information leakage requires both to be integrated directly into (rather than layered on top of) replication protocols, and propose a system structure that meets these guarantees.
	title = "Don't Trust Your Roommate",
	author = "Vassilios Lekakis and Yunus Basagalar and Pete Keleher",
	booktitle = {The 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage)},
	month = {June},
	year = {2012},

Available: bibtex, abstract,